Welcome to the Linden - Peters Fire Protection District's Documents Page.
Here you will find many of the documents that the department has and links to other applicable government web-sites. Please let us know if there is a document you need if you can not find it here.
The Board of Directors adopted our financial policies in 2000 to serve as a guideline for the operation of the finances of the Fire District. The Board’s Financial Policy includes a policy for maintaining financial reserves.
The Fire District’s main source of revenue comes from property taxes. The District receives a tax increment of 17.5 percent. The District also receives funding from fire permits and licenses.
An independent audit of the District’s financials is conducted annually. The Fire Chief acts as the District’s Treasurer and is responsible for the day – to – day operations of the District’s finances.
The District’s Preliminary Budget is presented and approved by the Board of Directors at their regular May meeting. The Preliminary Budget goes into effect on the first day of June. The Board of Director’s are presented the Final Budget at their September meeting and if approved the Final Budget goes into effect on the first day of October.
The Linden-Peters Fire Protection District’s Financials are audited every year by a certified accounting company. When completed the audit is presented and accepted by the Board of Directors at a regular scheduled meeting.
The Leadership, Staff and Firefighters work hard throughout the year. We want to make sure that we provide this information to our citizens. The year end report is a short history of what your fire department has accomplished throughout the year. Please check back for our next report.
The Linden-Peters Fire Protection District's Compsation Report can be found on the State Controller's Public Pay website.
The Linden-Peters Fire Protection District's Financial Transaction Report is submitted annually to the California State Controller. Please go to the State Controller’s website to see our report.